Depression & anxiety

Depression treatment in Rockhampton

Emotional healing

Dr David Gentle offers professional therapeutic services for depression, anxiety and related emotional health issues. We believe in emotional healing and want you to live a long, happy life. With Dr Gentle’s therapeutic ideas, he can help you regain your energy and joy. 


Depression is an emotional disorder that causes one to experience a variety of negative emotions including hopelessness, unnecessary guilt and even thoughts of suicide. There are many degrees of depression and we would like to help you overcome any of these thoughts and negative feelings you may be having.

Depression is nothing to be ashamed of, but it is something to overcome. Dr David Gentle is here to support you in your fight against depression and keep you moving forward.


Anxiety is a part of normal life. It’s the nervous feeling you get when making an important decision or performing an important task. However, when it lasts for long periods of time and starts interfering with your daily life, anxiety treatment is advisable. 

Dr David Gentle is qualified to help his patients overcome the exasperating feeling of stress, nervousness, sleeplessness and other symptoms of anxiety disorders. Through his counselling and other therapy services, you can learn to take control of your emotions instead of them taking control of you. 

Over 30 years of experience in counselling services

Give us a call

Your next step is just one call away. Contact us to set up an appointment. Dr Gentle looks forward to getting to know you and helping you on your way to recovery.
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